What is a Geriatric Care Manager?

A Geriatric Care Manager is a health care professional that plans and coordinates care of the elderly with physical and/or mental impairments to meet their long term needs, maximize their independence, and optimize their quality of life for as long as possible. Geriatric Care Managers are able to address a broad range of issues related to the well-being of their client. They also have knowledge about the availability of resources in their communities.

Geriatric Care Managers who are members of the national Aging Life Care Association™ (ALCA) must meet stringent education, experience, and certification requirements of the organization, and all care manager members are required to adhere to a strict code of ethics and standards of practice. For more information on membership requirements, please click here.
How do you know you need a Geriatric Care Manager/Aging Life Care Professional®?
If the person you are caring for:
- is unable to live safely in their current environment
- has multiple medical or psychological problems
- has declined in function, i.e. recent falls
- is not pleased with current care providers and requires advocacy
- has limited or no family support
Or if your family:
- has just become involved with helping the individual and requires direction about available services
- is fatigued from caring for a loved one or is confused about solutions
- has limited time or knowledge in helping the individual or does not live close by
- requires education and/or guidance in dealing with behaviors associated with dementia